Coming Soon

Coming Soon
(New York)
The term 'Newton' represents various meanings, including Isaac Newton, Huey Newton, and an outdated Apple product turned iPhone. It encompasses universal concepts such as the scientific method, revolutionary spirit, critical insight, and necessary change.
The pandemic revealed deep-seated problems in contemporary art, affecting artists, gallerists, and organizers. Its aftermath left us perplexed, disrupting art history akin to a Gretchen Bender video with disjointed subtitles and images from the past.
Exalted - Newton embraces visual art, online communities, narrative writing, episodic video, theater, gaming, and film. We support alternative communities and emerging media platforms.
We believe cultural workers should profit from their labor, employing commercial art strategies to sell films, paintings, digital works, and narrative media. Our goal is to cultivate fruitful relationships between disillusioned artists, innovative expression, engaged communities, and expanding markets.
Art Collaboration Kyoto
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