Once upon a time, Foster Mickley shared a clear space where the mind could wander towards a tender green garden, across a wooden floor running like a river to a resting rice straw room. From the pink morning to the blue evening, the senses linger, along breathing earth walls. The studio rests on stones, rests in a tree house where rain makes a dozen different round sounds. Tender plants grow in the hallways, green. Given gentle attention and care, there is imagination. Once upon a time, he invited artists and friends to listen to the summer rain. They sat together in his studio, in a tatami room facing a kaki tree growing among wild sprouts. They looked out together at the changing light in a tree house where a soft breeze moved in rain. “Black cat day dream” is an invitation.
Artists: Fujimoto Yukio, Hananofu Shuho, Kisaka Kojiro, Foster Mickley, Miyake Mai, and Asad Raza
Curator: Isabelle Olivier
Dates & Hours: Sat. October 21−Tues. 31
*Fri. October 27−Mon. 30 10am−5pm
(advance reservation required)
*Fri. October 27 Invitation only
*Closed on Mon. October 23
Venue: Black Cat Day Dream (60-6 Ichijoji Saikata-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto)
Admission: Free
Organizer: Coil Inc., and Black cat day dream
E-mail: i@blackcatdaydream.jp
Reserve here